How to write an Interview questions
1. Only the interview question must be written (about 8 question). You are not expected to write answers to these question.
2. The question should be Wh-question asking for information and should be relevant to the situation.
3. The questions should be polite. The simpler questions should come first.
4. Imagine that you are actually interviewing the person and frame the questions accordingly.
5. There are no options in this question.
Marks –
Questions relevant to the situation - 2
Proper sequence - 1
Accuracy of language - 1
1. Prepare a set of question to ask a student who has topped in your college. Ask him/her about his/her about his/her routine, the sacrifices made, the support system, difficulties, etc.
2. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter, and you have interview a flood victim. Prepare a set of about 8 question that you would ask him/her.
3. Imagine that you are a TV reporter, are interviewing a cricketer who has just won ‘The Man of the Match’ award. Write about 8 question that you would ask him.
4. A boy in your locality has won a national award for bravery. Imagine that you are interviewing him. Write about 8 question that you would like ask him.
5. A boy in your locality has won a national award for bravery. Imagine that you are interviewing him. Write about 8 question that you would like ask him.
6. A well-known social activist in your area has been selected for a national award for struggle to stop the evil practice of ‘Child Labour’. You intend to know more abut his social work, the odds in his way, support of people, this message to the youth, etc. Prepare a set of at least eight question for taking his interview.
7. Prepare a set of about 8 question to be asked to the Secretary of an NGO called ‘Sisters’. This NGO works for the welfare of Woman.
8. Imagine you are going to interview some important personality. Prepare a set of 8-10 question focusing on his/her social behavior and the activities he/she carries out.
9. Prepare a set of questions to interview an important personality in your town/city.
10. Imagine that you are interviewing candidates for the post of a lecturer in a reputed college in South Mumbai. Frame 8 questions that you would ask the candidate.
11. A college in your area is well-known for its innovative academic activities. Imagine you are a newspaper reporter and assigned to take the interview of the Principal. Frame a set of at least 8 questions regarding Teacher’s Motivation, Student’s Discipline, Academic Excellence. Extra Curricular Activities. Etc.
12. A student in yur locality has stood amongst the first ten in the Merit list in the SSC. He/She was given the certificate by the Minister for Education at a special ceremony. Write 8 questions that you would ask him or her.
13. Prepare a set of questions in order to conduct an interview of your mother, making her speak about her teenage years, her family, school, schoolmates, dreams, etc.
14. Prepare a set of questions to interview a woman in an old-age home.
15. You have just visited The Royal Circus and have enjoyed the experience. You have an opportunity to meet and interview the clown-frame 8 question that you would ask him.
16. Imagine you are the anchor person of a popular T.V. Channel. It is your task to interview Kiran Bedi. Frame 8 questions that you would ask her.
17. Dr.Pawar has recently opened a hospital for terminally ill cancer patients. He received an award from the Medical Association acknowledging his humane service. You have the privilege of interviewing him, Frame 8 questions that you would ask him.
18. You have been assigned the task of interviewing the Municipal Corporator of your area. Frame 8 questions that you would ask her/him.
19. A popular hospital in your locality is celebrating 50 years of its existence. As a journalist you are expected to interview the medical director Dr.S.M.Joshi. Frame 8 questions that you would ask him.
20. Imagine that you are a journalist. You have been assigned the task of interviewing a famous film star.
21. You intend to know about a reputed doctor in your area. Prepare a set of at least 8questions for taking his/her interview.
You may include the points like-choice of his/her career, his/her social work, his/her message, etc.
1. Prepare a set of question to ask a student who has topped in your college. Ask him/her about his/her about his/her routine, the sacrifices made, the support system, difficulties, etc.
Good morning ------------------, congratulation on your achievement.
1. How did you react when you first heard the news?
2. What was the reaction of your parents/family?
3. How many hours did you study daily?
4. What was your normal routing before the examination?
5. What sacrifices-if any-did you have to make?
6. Who helped you or supported you in your efforts?
7. What difficulties did you face ?
8. What are your future plans?
9. What advice can you give your juniors?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
2. Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter, and you have interview a flood victim. Prepare a set of about 8 question that you would ask him/her.
Good morning ------------------,
1. I can see that you have just faced some terrible floods here. Does this happen
every year?
2. Was sufficient warning given to you to prepare for it?
3. Your house lies in a low-lying area. Where did you take shelter?
4. Were the arrangements at the shelter satisfactory?
5. Was there panic among the people?
6. Many houses collapsed during the rain. Are you now getting help to rebuild
your homes?
7. There were very few lives lost this year, as compared to the earlier years. To
whom do you give the credit for this?
8. Can the relief measures be improved? If so, how?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
3. Imagine that you are a TV reporter, are interviewing a cricketer who has just won ‘The Man of the Match’ award. Write about 8 question that you would ask him.
Good morning Sir, Congratulation and welcome to the show.
1. How did you feel when you scored that wonderful double century against Australia?
2. What are the things that contributed to your success?
3. When did you play your first international match?
4. What or who has been your inspiration?
5. What role has your coach played in your success?
6. What do you think about sportspersons featuring in ads?
7. Do you think that cricket is being encouraged at the cost of other sports?
8. What is your message to the youth of today?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
4. A boy in your locality has won a national award for bravery. Imagine that you are interviewing him. Write about 8 question that you would like ask him.
Good morning --------------, First of all Congratulation for your brave deed. and welcome
the show.
1.How does it feel to be a
2.Were you afraid when you first saw the injured man?
3.How did you save the man who had fallen off the train?
4.What did your parents and the other say about your deed?
5.Did your school/village, etc. felicitate you?
6.Has the attitude of people changed towards you agter the incident?
7.Has did you feel when you went you went up on stage to receive the award?
8.Do you have any hero who inspires you?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
5. A boy in your locality has won a national award for bravery. Imagine that you are interviewing him. Write about 8 question that you would like ask him.
Good morning --------------, First of all Congratulation for your brave deed and welcome
to the show.
1.How does it feel to be a hero?
2.Were you afraid when you were attacked by the hyena?
3.What were your feelings when you went up to receive your award?
4.What did the President say to you while presenting the award?
5.Has this incident in any way changed you attitude towards family and friends?
6.What do your parents think abut your deed?
7.Did you receive any praise from the people of your town, locality, etc?
8.Do you have any hero who inspires you?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
6. A well-known social activist in your area has been selected for a national award for struggle to stop the evil practice of ‘Child Labour’. You intend to know more abut his
social work, the odds in his way, support of people, this message to the youth, etc. Prepare a set of at least eight question for taking his interview.
Good morning Sir , First of all Congratulation for your achievement and welcome
to the show.
1.How do you feel at the moment?
2.When did you first begin work in this field?
3.What were the difficulties you faced in your journey?
4.How did the local people support you?
5.In what ways did the government help you?
6.What are the reactions of the parents of the children you have tried to help?
7.What types of actions must society/the government take against those who support
this practice?
8.What message would you like to give our youth?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
7. Prepare a set of about 8 question to be asked to the Secretary of an NGO called ‘Sisters’. This NGO works for the welfare of Woman.
Good morning Ma’am , First of all thanks you are welcome to the show.
1.Can you tell me something about the conception and setting up your NGO ‘Sisters’?
2.How many people do you have working for you at present?
3.How many volunteers normally have? From where do they come?
4.How do you collect funds for your organization?
5.Do you visit the villages, or do you work only in Mumbai city?
6.Have you faced opposition from anyone while doing your work? If so, what type
of opposition?
7.Which are the most common problems that women face?
8. What is your advice to young college girls?
Thank you, Ma’am. I’m sure many girls from our college will be ready to work for
Your organization. We wish you all the best for the future.
8. Prepare a set of questions to interview an important personality in your town/city.
Questions for an important personality who is social worker to the local MLA
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks you are welcome to the show.
1.What, do you think, is the biggest challenge before you?
2.How do you prepare yourself for the debates in the house?
3.Which are the significant projects and schemes that you implemented here of late?
4.How much is the MLA’s fund allocated for a constituency?
5.How much time do you usually spend in your constituency?
6.How can we overcome the time lag in implementing the development schemes?
7.How can we check the entry of criminals into politics?
8.Are you hopeful of getting re-elected?
9. Imagine you are going to interview some important personality. Prepare a set of 8-10
focusing on his/her social behavior and the activities he/she carries out.
Questions for an important personality who is working hard to encourage education for girl.
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks you are welcome to the show.
1.Please tell us something about your childhood?
2.How did you fare at school?
3.Who inspired you in your younger days?
4.Please give us your views on education for girls?
5.Do you think that our society will accept the importance of education for girls?
6.How do you spread the message about girl’s education?
7.What are the obstacles you have faced in your activities?
8.Is there any other activity you are passionate about?
9.Do you find many people in our country who think like you do?
10. What message would you like to give our readers?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
Questions to be asked to a social activist opposing the illegal send dredging activites.
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks you are welcome to the show.
1.Which social reformers were your role models in the early years?
2.Could you tell us some significant incidents of your formative years?
3.Have you ever felt that you had chosen an unrewarding career?
4.Why did you decide to take on the send mafia?
5.Don’t you think it risky to local horns with such a powerful lobby?
6.Could you make people realize the danger of over-dredging the riverbeds?
7.What danger is involved in exposing corrupt officials?
8.What danger is involved in exposing corrupt officials?
9.How and from where do you derive this remarkable inner strength?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
10. Imagine that you are interviewing candidates for the post of a lecturer in a reputed college in South Mumbai. Frame 8 questions that you would ask the candidate.
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks , welcome to the show. It is a pleasure to be granted
this interview.
1.Why did you choose this profession?
2.What is your knowledge of the subject?
3.Do you like working with young people? Why?
4.What do you know about this institution?
5.How would you describe yourself as a person?
6.What are your views on ‘Gender Equality’ ?
7.Do you think sex education in necessary in schools? Why?
8.Why do we celebrate Teachers Day?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
11. A college in your area is well-known for its innovative academic activities. Imagine you are a
newspaper reporter and assigned to take the interview of the Principal. Frame a set of at least 8 questions regarding Teacher’s Motivation, Student’s Discipline, Academic Excellence. Extra Curricular Activities. Etc.
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks you are welcome to the show. I understand you are popular for your innovative activities.
1.My first question : Could you briefly outline some of the extracurricular activities
in you collage?
2.How do you motivate the teacher into putting in extra efforts?
3.How do you motivate the students?
4.What is the response of the students towards the activities outside the syllabus?
5.Do you need to take steps to discipline the students? If yes, what steps?
6.How do you select the students who will participate in the activities?
7.According to you, how important is academic excellence?
8.What is the role of parents in all this?
9.Finally,do you get any financial support from the government/education department
for your activities?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
12. A student in your locality has stood amongst the first ten in the Merit list in the SSC. He/She was given the certificate by the Minister for Education at a special ceremony. Write 8 questions that you would ask him or her.
Good morning ----------------, Congratulation and welcome to the show.
1. How does it feel to be amongst the first ten in the Merit list in the SSC?
2. Did you expect do do so well?
3. What kind of a study plan did you follow?
4. What were your feelings when you went up to receive your certificate?
5. Has this achievement in any way changed your relationship with your family
and friends?
6. Who, would you say, were your main support and inspiration during the last year?
7. What do your parents think about your achievement?
8. What are your plans for the future?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
13. Prepare a set of questions in order to conduct an interview of your mother, making her speak about her teenage years, her family, school, schoolmates, dreams, etc.
Good morning Mom,
1.What were your teenage years like?
2.Did you have arguments with your mother?
3.Did you have many friends and schoolmaster?
4.Was your family orthodox or progressive?
5.What were your school days like?
6.What were your dreams and ambitions?
7.How was your relationship with your siblings?
8.Were there things you felt you couldn’t talk about to your mother or father?
Thank you.
14. Prepare a set of questions to interview a woman in an old-age home.
Good morning ---------------,
1.What is your name and how old are you?
2.How long have you been here?
3.Who brought you here?
4.What were your feelings when you first came here?
5.Who pays your monthly bills?
6.Do you get the needed medical attention hear?
7.How do you find the other inmates here?
8.How is the food here?
9.How do you spend your time?
10. Do you get many visitors?
Thank you.
15. You have just visited The Royal Circus and have enjoyed the experience. You have an opportunity to meet and interview the clown-frame 8 question that you would ask him.
Good morning ---------------, Your performance was stupendous you really are a good clown.
1.Did you have some special training?
2.Why did you choose this career?
3.What or who was your inspiration?
4.Do you enjoy what you are doing?
5.You travel a lot with your circus, which country do you like the most? Why?
6.What about your family, What is their reaction to having a clown in the family?
7.What are your other interests, do you like to read, watch movies?
8.What advice would you give young people who opt for a career in the entertainment
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
16. Imagine you are the anchor person of a popular T.V. Channel. It is your task to interview Kiran Bedi. Frame 8 questions that you would ask her.
It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms.Bedi, I am an ardent admirer and think that you were an awesome police woman.
1.What inspired you to join the police force?
2.With your intelligence didn’t you want to do something more lucrative?
3.Why do you feel that the police force today needs to be improved?
4.Should police men/police women have training in morals besides physical training?
5.You have a very humane approach to prisoners ? Why
6.Do you think that every police station must have a police woman in attendance?
7.What reasons do you attribute to the increase in the crime rate in big cities in India?
8.How can you inspire the police force to be honest and non-corrupt?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
17. Dr.Pawar has recently opened a hospital for terminally ill cancer patients. He received an award from the Medical Association acknowledging his humane service. You have the privilege of interviewing him, Frame 8 questions that you would ask him.
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks, welcome to the show. Congratulation you are truly deserve this prestigious award and
1.Were you surprise that you received this award? Why?
2.What inspired you to open this hospital?
3.You have several credits to your name. What is it you enjoy the most?
4.What are your other interests, besides medicine?
5.What kind of treatment would you prescribe for the terminally ill?
6.Why did you decide to return to India inspite of being offered good positions in theUS?7.What advice would you give young medical students?
8.What is your opinion on ‘Euthanasia’?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
18. You have been assigned the task of interviewing the Municipal Corporator of your area. Frame 8 questions that you would ask her/him.
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks , welcome to the show. I am so glad you have been
elected Corporator.
1.Have you been connected with the Municipal Corporation in the past?
2.Why did you stand for elections?
3.How do you propose implementing some of the promises you have made?
4.As a mother and wife, how will you balance your home and work life?
5.Will you take up women’s issues seriously?
6.What do you think of the sudden spate of burglaries and rape in your constituency?
7.Is there any particular issue that you would like to address during your tenure?
8.What message do you have for women and youth in your area or in general?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
19. A popular hospital in your locality is celebrating 50 years of its existence. As a journalist you are expected to interview the medical director Dr.S.M.Joshi. Frame 8 questions that you would ask him.
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks , welcome to the show. This must be a proud moment
of your life, to head an institution that is celebrating the Golden Jubliee.
1.How long have you been associated with this hospital?
2.What is your field of specialization?
3. Did you have a role model during your student days?
4.With your expertise and qualification did you not want to go abroad?
5.What kind of celebrations have you planned for this hospital?
6.What is your hobbies?
7.What is your opinion on junk food?
8.What message do you have for young doctors, or medical students?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
20. Imagine that you are a journalist. You have been assigned the task of interviewing a famous film star.
Good morning Sir , First of all thanks , welcome to the show. It is a pleasure to be granted
this interview.
1.What is it that motivated you to become a film star?
2.Was it easy to achieve the popularity that you now experience? Why?
3.Did you receive the support of your family?
4.Seeing that you are still single, how is it that you have remained so?
5.How do you balance your work life and personal life?
6.What is it that influenced your decision a movie, or a particular start?
7.What are your hobbies?
8.How do you cope with the adulation of the public?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
22. You intend to know about a reputed doctor in your area. Prepare a set of at least 8questions for taking his/her interview.
You may include the points like-choice of his/her career, his/her social work, his/her message, etc.
Good morning Dr.--------------- , First of all thanks , welcome to the show. It is a pleasure to be granted this interview.
1.What inspired you to take up this noble profession?
2.Given your humble origins, was it easy to become a Doctor? Why?
3.What do you feel about doctors working for three years in a rural area?
4.Why did you choose to be a general physician and not a specialist?
5.What kind of social work are you involved in?
6.Doctors are busy 24/7, how do you balance your work life and personal life?
7.With your expertise and qualifications, why did you choose to work on India?
8.As an experienced Doctor, what message do you have for young aspiring doctors?
Thank you so much for talking to our team. We wish you all the best for the future.
Nice sir
ReplyDeleteIt's very usefuland easy to understand..😊
Very nice
ReplyDeleteit's very useful to us 👍😊 and very nice 👍
ReplyDeleteVery nice article sir
ReplyDeleteThank you sir