Guess the meaning: An Astrologers Day
1) pies - a former monetary unit of India and Pakistan equal to 1/12 of an anna
2) tilting - move or causing to move in sloping position
3) bluffing - trying to deceive someone as to someone's abilities or intentions
4) glimpse - a momentary or partial view
5) passer-by - a person who happens to be going past something, especially on foot
6) peep - look quickly and furtively at something especially through a narrow opening
7) overwhelmed - overpowered or have strong emotional effect on
8) groaned- made a deep, inarticulate sound conveying despair or pain
9) surging – (crowd) moving suddenly and powerfully forward
10) cosmos - coloured flowers and pinnate leaves (Mexican herb)
11) dahlia - name of a flower plant (a tuberous-rooted Mexican plant of the daisy family, which is cultivated for its brightly coloured single or double flowers.)
12) din - a loud, unpleasant and prolonged noise
13) transacted - carried out or conducted (business dealings)
14) careworn - tired or unhappy because of prolonged worry
15) gasped - panted, catch one's breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment.
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