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3.2 Do Schools Really Kill Creativity?


◆What is Mind Map?

●A mind map is a graphical way to
represent a certain idea or concept.
It is a visual tool to help structure
information, to help you better
analyze, and generate new ideas.
Information in a mind map is
structured in a way that reflects how
the brain actually works.

◆What is the Purpose of a Mind Map?

●A mind map can help you thinking in a more
critical way and improve your problem-solving
ability at the same time.
●Complete a similar type of detailed graphical
figure in your own style showing the thoughts/
ideas/concepts that keep on generating in your
mind and then you choose a particular style/
design or a graphical representation to
describe the same idea/facts/situations-then
this type of presentation can be called 'Mind

◆ Here are just a few illustration of the purposes of a
mind map. The actual possibilities of the uses of
mind map is unlimited.
●1Brainstorming - A mind map is a powerful tool for
brainstorming. It help us focusing on the topic,
coming up with new thoughts and connecting these
thoughts together. Whether for individual or teams, it provides us with creative thinking.

●2Problem Solving - If you are confused by a
problem, a mind map can help you see all the
relative issues and how they relate to each other. It
can help you quickly get a general idea of how the
whole situation and enable you to see all aspects of
this situation then come up with a solution.

◆ Decision Making
●While making a decision, you need to compare all the factors related, a mind map can be a helpful tool on that. Listing various factors, pros and cons of each side can help you think more effectively and lead to an informed decision.

◆ Notes Taking
● Students or business professionals can use mind maps to write down the information of a lecture, presentation or business meeting. When receiving information,mind maps can help organize it in a logical way which make it easy to understand and follow. A mind map is an effective way to take notes.

◆ Presentations -
Mind map helps us during presentation. Using
mind map is a more interesting way to present
an idea or concept. On one hand, mind map can
help organize the ideas coherently, on the other
hand, the visual feature of mind map makes it
easier to capture the audiences attention

◆ Accelerate Studying -
Mind Map will help you accelerate your study
ability by improving and enhancing your
retention with the combination of photography
and information.

Benefits of Mind Maps -
● It helps to brainstorm and explore new
ideas, concepts, or problems
●It gives a better understanding of
connections between ideas and concepts
●It makes it easier to communicate thought
●It brings greater visibility to the audiences
It makes it easier to organize ideas and

Morbale Y.V
Shreeman V.S.Gangan Arts, Com.& Late T.P.
Kelkar Science jr.college, Ratnagiri

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