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2.1 Vocabulary


scythe – a tool with a long curved blade at right angle to a long handle used to cut long grass and grain. 

blight – a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts

shrivelled – dried or wrinkled or shrunken due to lack of moisture

slender – thin, struggle – making forceful against odds

thrust – to push with sudden impulse or force

fierce – aggressive

lust – strong desire

miracle – a welcoming or happy event developing by chance that cannot be explained with reason or science

scarcely – almost not

ripended (ripen)– become or make ripe

jeweled – adorned with jewels

blossoms – flowers that bloom on trees

fragile – weak

finches – a small passerine bird

flitted – pass lightly, softly or rapidly

dappled – marked with rounded dark patches

ecstasy – a feeling of greatest happiness

nector – a sweet fluid secreted by flowers

moon-moths – a large pale long green moth

crickets – an insect, characteristic for its musical chirping sound.

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