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1.3 - Character/Setting/Theme/Message/Soapy Problem & Solution

What is mean by The Cop and the Anthem? 

* The word Cop as used for police has came from sentence "Constable On Patrol"
* The Anthem is song of praise, hymen.

* Character  - 
                    Soapy - Soapy, the central character in O'Henery's story The Cop and the Anthem, is a homeless man in New York City who reasons that if he could only get himself arrested, he would be imprisoned on Blackwell's Island, where he would be assured of housing, warmth, and the satisfaction of his basic needs. His efforts to do so, however - by scamming a restaurant, act of drunken, harassing a window-shopper,and stealing and umbrellas - all prove futile.
                    Soapy is the main character in story but the narrator is third-person or may be writer himself.

* Setting - 
                    The story takes place in New York City when winter is near.

* Theme -
                    Freedom and Confinement O. Henery turns this theme upside down and shakes it in this story. "The Cop and the Anthem" is about a free man, Soapy, trying to get thrown in jail. Over the course of the story, Soapy begins to discover that he is a prisoner of his own mind and that he can choose a better life.

* Message -
                    Many times we expect something to happen, however the opposite happen, so life is ironical.

* Soapy Problem and Solution - 
                    Soapy needs a warm place to live for the winter. Soapy plans to be arrested by a cop. He will then be sent to prison on Blackwell's island.

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