1) Imagine that you are a compere of 'A Farewell Party' of your college. Prepare a script in about 100-150 words for compering the programme with the help of following points.
1) Introduction
2) Lighting lamp and welcome
3)Main events (cultural activities, individual skills.)
4) Speeches of students
5)Speech of the Chief Guest
6)Vote of thanks
Good evening one and all present over here. I am Rutvik Rathod. I can see cheerful faces of boys and girls as they had cheerful faces on the first day of the college. Today, we all have gathered here for the farewell function.
Welcome speech:
l would like to stretch a warm welcome to the honourable director of our college Mr. Chittarajan Patil. I would also welcome our loving principal, vice-principal and all our teaching and non-teaching staff who co-operated us all through the two years. I request the student’s representatives to felicitate all dignitaries on the stage one by one.
Let's give big hands for all the dignitaries.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Lighting the lamp: I request all the respected dignitaries to come up on stage to light the lamp.
“Thank you, I request all of you to take your seats”
Welcome song:
“I request the cultural group to sing a welcome song.”
“Thank you students for such a melodious song.”
Main events:
I would like to call upon our respected Principal to present a brief agenda for this Special moment.
Thank you sir.
The day of farewell brings a bit sorrow to students because they will never enjoy again the same college life. Now, the students of cultural committee are going to present a group dance on this patriotic song. So let’s cheer them by clapping.
Marvellous performance of the group, other students could not stop themselves from dancing.
One more event is there to make all of us laugh. Some of you might have guessed it. Yes, it is
'Stand-up comedy’. Here comes our friend Rahul Bhalerao to amuse all of us with his humour.
Wow! Rahul, you are amazing. Still, we cannot stop ourselves from laughing. Let's give big hands to Rahul.
Speeches of students:
We have enjoyed the cultural activities and various skill presentation of the students. Now, it’s time to listen to the views of the students.
First of all, I call upon the stage Rohini to express her opinions or feelings in short.
Thank you Rohini. We can understand how sad you feel as we are departing from one another.
Our next student Riyaz is here to express his feelings.
Thanks Riyaz. Your poem on college days touched our heart.
“I know, you are waiting to listen to the chief guest. I humbly request our chief guest to inspire us by his speech.
Thank you very much sir for your motivational speech.
Vote of thanks:
Friends, no programme would be complete without vote of thanks. So, I invite, My friend, Mandar to express vote of thanks and I take your leave. Thank you.
2] Compering on Sport Day.
(i) Introduction- A brief introduction of the programme.
(i) Welcome speech- Welcome of all guests.
Felicitation -felicitation of the guests.
(ii) Lighting the lamp
(iv) Welcome song
(v) Flag hoisting, Oath Taking
(vi)Main events
(vii) Vote of thanks
A very Good morning to one and all present here. We are all gathered here today for the event which I am talking about is one of our Favourite ‘Annual sports Day’. Let’s show to the world that we are energetic students of C.S. jr. College.
Welcome speech:
On behalf of our college, I would like to welcome chief guest Dr. Harish Wagh, Director of our college. I also warmly welcome the parents. I call upon the stage the principal of our college respected, Mr. Pravin Thakur to welcome the chief guest by giving a sapling.
Flag Hoisting
Let’s start our Annual sports Day with flag hoisting. I would like to call our Chief guest and the principal to hoist our national flag.
Thank you so much everyone. May our flag keep soaring high and our nation keep on prospering to great heights. Amen.
Now it’s time to show our commitment and determination by swearing in to the oath. Allow me to call our head boy Manish for Oath taking ceremony. Will everybody please stand up and repeat the oath after Manish.
I must say it was a lovely scene to witness indeed.
Welcome song:
“I request the students of 11th to sing a welcome song in the honour of the chief guest.”
“Thank you friends for such a melodious song.”
Main Event:
Next, I would like to call upon our respected Principal to present a brief agenda for this Special moment.
Thank you sir.
Anyways! I don’t want to take much of your time. Kindly check out the schedule of respective sports and where the competitions are going to be held and Mark your presence accordingly. Put your hands together). Get set and go!
Now it is a time for the prize distribution ceremony....For this I would like to call upon stage all the participants to take momento and certificates.
Congratulations to all the winners. And to those who loose, there is always a next time.
Now it’s time for us to call upon our honourable chief guest on stage who found time out of his busy schedule and graced us on our annual sports day.
Thank you so much sir for sharing your experiences and encouraging these young pupils.
Vote of Thanks:
But here is the time we say the end of the function before we sign up here. I call upon the stage our vice principal to express the vote of thanks.
National Anthem:
It’s time to bring an end of the ceremony by singing our national anthem.
(After the national anthem)
Thank you so much everyone.
3] Compering on Teachers Day.
(i) Introduction- A brief introduction of the function.
(ii) Welcome speech- Welcome of all guests.
Felicitation -felicitation of the guests. (the principal, vice principal etc.)
(iii) Lighting the lamp
(iv) Welcome song
(v) Main events
(vi) Vote of thanks
Good Morning everyone, I am Rahul Kadam, and a warm welcome to our eminent chief guests, Mr. Aniket kale, Managing Director of Edutech Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Ram Mdankar, the assistant director of Education Board, Amravati, honorable principal Dr. Gokul Pande, respected vice-principal, Vinayak Bhande, our wonderful and enthusiastic parents, and my smart and dear friends. On behalf of our college, I welcome here all of you on Teachers Day.
Welcome speech:
I call upon the stage the principal to welcome the chief guest by giving Indian Constitution. Now the class representative will welcome the principal and the Vice Principal by giving Indian Constitution.
Lighting the lamp:
I request all the respected guests, Principal and vice principal to come up on the stage to light the lamp.
“Thank you all. I request all the dignitaries to take your seats”
Welcome song:
“I request the students of 11th to sing a welcome song in the honour of the chief guest.”
“Thank you friends for such a melodious song.”
Main events:
Next, I would like to call upon our respected Principal to guide and motivate us on this special moment.
Thank you, sir. We appreciate ( दाद देना) your sincerity towards us.
In the honor of the respected teachers, we would like to introduce Rahul who is going to talk about “my teacher my creator.” So, friends, put your hands together to appreciate him.
Thank you, Rahul you expressed our views through your speech.
Thank you, friends. It’s a mind-blowing performance.
Now it is a time for the prize distribution ceremony....For this I would like to call upon the stage all the participants to take momento and certificates.
Congratulations friends…….
Give them big hands.
“I know, you are waiting to listen to the chief guest. I humbly request our chief guest to inspire us by his speech.
Thank you very much sir for your motivational speech.
Vote of thanks:
we are about to conclude our program but before that it is our duty to thank the chief guest, parents and all for giving their valuable time. I call upon the stage Ashvini Darda to express the vote of thanks.
Thank you
4] Write a compering script on Republic Day
(i) Introduction- A brief introduction of the programme.
(i) Welcome speech- Welcome of all guests.
Felicitation -felicitation of the guests. (the principal, vice principal etc.)
(ii) Flag hoisting.
(iv) National Anthem.
(v) Main events
(vi) Vote of thanks
Good Morning! All the invited guests, teachers, Principle, and my dear friends – how different is this morning of Republic Day.
Well, my first and foremost duty – On behalf of the Principal, Teaching Staff and Students, I welcome you all.
Welcome speech:
We feel honored to have with us –The Honourable Chief Guest, Mr. Rambhau Kadu, freedom fighter , Sir you hardly need any introduction, you have made all of us proud by your distinguished work.
Flag Hoisting:
Now, we will have our traditional auspicious Flag waving ceremony as a tribute to our Motherland. As our tradition, I would like to request our Honorable Chief Guest to hoist the national flag”
Sir Please
Thank you Sir.
National Anthem:
I request all to sing our national anthem.
Salute our flag.
Main Event:
Next, I would like to call upon our respected Principal to present a brief agenda for this Special moment.
Thank you sir.
Without taking much of your time, permit us to start the cultural program. Today, we will have a rainbow of Patriotic music and song on this Auspicious occasion.
First, there will be a Dance on Patriotic Songs by the students of 11th named “Ghar kab aayoge” a beautiful song of BORDER
Thank you , Give a big hands. It was indeed a lovely performance. How captivating! -------------
Now hold your Breath for another mesmerizing dance performance.
I still feel like lost in those melodies music.
Wait, wait … don’t step over the clock! Come with me to the theatre of life. Yes, behold – we now present a drama of our Indian Flag, Tri Colors.
Wow! Incredible, the young dancers really held everyone captive.
Now it is time to welcome our honorable guest to say a few words on this special occasion.
Thank you sir, you presented the whole Indian freedom struggle in front of our eyes.
Vote of Thanks:
But here is the time we say the end of the function before we sign up here. I call upon the stage our vice principal to express the vote of thanks.
Thank you friends, I wish you all a very “HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY”.
……Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.
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