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2.2- Vocabulary

Vocabulary - Indian Weavers

* Weaving - interlacing threads to produce cloth
* Beak to day - sunrise, here birth of an infant, start of new life
* gay - bright coloured here denotes happiness or enjoy, Concept of birth
* halcyon - a bird in Greek legend, generally associated with the kingfisher, here happy
* wild - opposite of  tame, fee
* robes - dress, clothe for baby/infant
* fall of night - evening, here second stage of human life, teenage
* Bright garment - fresh clothe, here marriage dress
* Plumes - quills, feathers of bird, here royal, precious priceless
* Queen - beautiful girl, bride
* marriage-veils- bridal veils, chunari
* Solemn - sad, serious
* still - rest, stable
* Chill - extreme cold, here third (last) stage of life, death
* white as a cloud - super white (Simile)
* funeral shroud - burial cloth for dead body to wrap

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