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2.2 - Summary

Summary Of The Poem -  Indian Weavers 

Time     Colour     Occasion          Mood
Down     Blue coloure     Brith               Hope,
               robe for new                     Happiness,
                born baby                                 Peace
-----------------------------------------------------------------.      Evening Purple and Green Marriag                                                                         Happiness
     Marriage-veil of                                     
 a queen                                             
Night    White funeral shroud   Death.  Sad and serious

Stanza 1 -  BIRTH
                  In this poem the poet describes the three different stage of life that is birth, marriage, and death. The poetess asks three questions to Weavers and their answers are relates to life. The poetess says that Weavers started their work in early morning and they make bright garments in blue colour as the wings of the Kingfisher. When the poetess ask the question, Weavers tell that they weaving the garment of a new born Child. It relates to the childhood of a person. The childhood is more attractive, happy beginning like blue colour.

Stanza 2 - YOUTH
                  At evening time the Weavers weaving attractive garments in purple and green colour like the plumes of a peacock. When the poetess asks the question, they tell that it's a marriage veil of a Queen. This suggests the youth of a human being. Youth is the golden time of a life, energetic, enjoyable and attractive. So that's why here used the expression "The plumes of a peacock, purple and green". 

Stanza 3 - DEATH
                  In the chill moonlight night the Weaver's attitudes changed, they become serious and calm/motionless. The garment is white colour like feather and cloud. They are weaving the cloths of a Dead man's funeral shroud.  It clearly indicates the old age of a person. The White colour feather and cloud are carrying to the statement that the end of life.

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